I know a young lady who is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She has been through some pretty tumultuous times in her life, yet always finds a way to smile, and more often then not she is laughing, which usually makes everyone around her laugh! I get such incredible energy when I am around her. She is truly a joy to be near.
She recently posted on one of the various social networks: "Karma will always come back to bite you in the butt. And when that day comes Ill just sit and watch....:)"
My first thought was to agree with her. I didn't even know who she was hoping Karma would visit, I still don't, yet I was in complete agreement with her. Then I stopped for a moment and put aside what my instant reaction and thought was, and listened to my heart. This is how I responded to her post:
"i am very hesitant to say anything but i have to. please understand that this is just how I feel about the notion of karma and i am in no way, shape or form trying to make you feel the same way.
I, too, used to anticipate a time when I could witness a Karmic punishment being visited on someone whom i felt had done me wrong and i thought that person deserved it. i would think to myself, "You SOB, you hurt me, you think you know everything, you treated me like shit, i hope you get what you deserve!" etc and so forth for whatever I deemed as a hurtful act made by some person towards me. To be honest with you, the thought still crosses my mind now and then. But I see things differently now and I try very hard to release any ideas I may have about anyone deserving to be punished for their actions via Karma. Hoping that Karma affects someone is a form of judgement and it is a way of holding onto anger, hate, resentment, hurt, loss, pain...negative emotions. It is giving your power to that person. You have one of the most beautiful souls I have ever encountered. You are kind, caring, generous, hilarious, fun and strong. i won't tell you what to do or how to feel, but i just want to say one thing: forgive. When you forgive someone, even if it is in the silence of your heart and that person never knows, then you free yourself from their bondage, you take your power back and you open yourself up to love. don't worry about whether or not karma is going to be visited upon someone else. that isn't your job. your job is to live a full, beautiful, loving and abundant life and to be happy. that's just my humble opinion and it is the way I have chosen to live."
I have to admit that at first I was a little butt-hurt when I didn't get a round of applause! Haha! I know my opinion on Karma is quite different from her's and quite contrary to most of the people in her life so it didn't surprise me when I received no acknowledgement of my brilliant dissertation on letting go of the thoughts of Karma exacting revenge for us. Being completely ignored doesn't change my opinion. I am not very knowledgeable on different cultures definitions of Karma. I only know what I know, and that is when some people use the phrase "Karma is a bitch" or "Karma will take care of them", they don't really know either what Hindu's or Buddhist's believe about Karma. "Karma will get you" when used by God-fearing Christians means "God agrees with me and is going to punish you for what I think you did wrong!".
Previously I've worried about Karma coming back to ME. I don't think I've spent much time contemplating how Karma will punish someone else for what I thought they did wrong to me, it's always been about how Karma was going to punish me for what I thought I did wrong to someone else. That stems from the idea that I deserved whatever had been done to me so I couldn't imagine Karma punishing someone else, especially on MY behalf. Don't call the self-esteem patrol! I don't feel that way anymore, I promise! Even before I awakened to my true spirit, I didn't like wishing bad things on people. I always had the awareness, or at least a sense of awareness, that wishing something bad on someone was actually wishing it on yourself. Even if I hoped someone would be punished, I quite often didn't talk about it because I knew they would have to pay their bill eventually, but it wasn't up to me to determine how or when. I don't remember the last time I told someone to go to H-E-double-hockey-sticks because I didn't want to go there myself (I don't believe in such a place, but that's a subject for a whole other blog)! My very best friend has a habit of saying "I hope _____ gets a cold sore." I think I have finally convinced him to stop saying that, especially when he starts to get that tingling feeling in his lip and he can't kiss his grandkids goodnight for a week or two.
It's the Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated. I have adopted the addition rule of "Think of others as you wish to be thought of" and "Feel about others how you wish them to feel about you". Let the Universe handle Karma and punishment. Forgive and let go. It makes everything so much sweeter!
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