Wednesday, December 8, 2010

i don't "hate" christmas, but...

It's not that I hate Christmas...i know i say "i hate christmas" alot, but what i should be saying is "I do not like the commercialism that has taken over, the pressure to spend money i don't have and the guilt that comes because I can't afford to buy everyone a gift. Oh, and I don't believe in the story behind the birth of Jesus anyway so why am i forced into celebrating it?"

When i was a kid my mom and dad made a huge deal out of Christmas. there were always a ton of gifts under the tree and we always had a big breakfast before going to mass. The house was decorated and there would be holiday songs playing all Christmas Eve and Christmas day. It was wonderful! I have alot of great childhood Christmas memories.

How did that turn into me wanting to find a cave and hybernate from the day after Thanksgiving until December 26th? Well, i think it started when mom died. I tried to keep her traditions going but i have never been able to match her level of holiday spirit and cheer. Then there was the first year of many when i was in zero dollars. there have been many years when I couldn't buy my children anything; if it weren't for family giving them gifts they would have had nothing. I have had a couple Christmas' when i actually had money (or credit cards) and was able to buy presents, but those Christmas' have been few.

Commercialism and money problems aside, i just don't believe in Jesus. i was raised Catholic but as i matured and started to have thoughts of my own i realized that while i agree that Jesus Christ was probably a real person who had a lot of great lessons to teach us, i just do not believe anything else that was taught to me in the various religion classes i endured as a child, including the story of his birth. i feel like i am a minority during the "holiday" season. i know i can't possibly be, there has to be alot of people out there who aren't catholic or christian or any other belief that involves celebrating the immaculate conception and virginal birth of "the only son of god", but it doesn't feel like it. i feel like an outcast...normally that doesn't bother me at all, i have no desire to be normal. but for some reason, from the day after thanksgiving until December 26th, i feel like i am being punished for having thoughts of my own, that because i don't conform i deserve to be stoned in the town square. i know that sounds ridiculous, but that is how this time of year makes me feel. When i hear the song "It's the most wonderful time of the year" i think to myself, why do people reserve their desire to be nice and giving and kind to the last month of the year? we should be like that all year long! I'm not a complete scrooge, i do love participating in things like Toys for Tots and other charities that help the less fortunate. I donate non-perishable foods to food banks, I give money to the Salvation Army bell ringer. i absolutely love the gathering of family and friends; the talking and eating and singing and playing games, the togetherness. maybe that's why i like Thanksgiving so much; its everything Christmas is minus the pressure and the commercialism and the religion.

So when i grumble under my breath "i hate christmas", i don't really mean it. i'm happy for you if you love it. i'm glad you spend so much of your time decorating and shopping and wrapping and cooking and singing. go for it! just do me a huge favor and leave me out of it. i'll try not to spoil your holiday spirit as long as you don't try to make me have holiday spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy,

    Although I am one of those people who absolutely love Christmas...I too have been at the point where I felt guilty for not having the money to give gifts to those I love, especially my children who found it difficult to understand why they weren't getting 'everything they asked for' when all their other friends at school were. I think that Christmas became an over-rated holiday many MANY years ago and we have lost the purpose of why so many celebrate Christmas. As a true believer, I must say that I have also fallen guilty of this. I was just thinking about this the other day, and although it will not stop me from giving gifts to those I love, I will also be sure and bless those who are unable to give. I think the main reason that I love Christmas so much is because my mother, who has also passed away, enjoyed this holiday season immensely and filled our lives with such joy during this season. Although I will not 'force' you into celebrating this holiday, I will hold you close to my heart during this time as I know family is gathering together and you are reminded that your son cannot be here with you. You are my friend, Nancy, and I value the friendships I have. So, with that I cook my holiday meal and sing my Christmas songs, please know that regardless of your beliefs or personal opinions, you are an amazing woman worthy of expressing yourself in whatever way you choose. No one will stone you to death and you are not alone in the way you and Taylor are welcome to come to my home and sit down at my table and enjoy a great home cooked meal on Christmas day. Love you girl! ~Carla~
